Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Day in Chicago and a Map to Wisconsin

Hey there...

Spent a great day with my Aunt Sue and Uncle Tom in Chicago.  We got in the car...

And headed to Millennium Park downtown... see an afternoon performance of the Hubbard Dance Company at The Harris Theatre.  Before the performance we took a quick walk around the Park...

The weather was beginning-of-fall perfect.  And the clouds...

They were perfect, too.  And then on to see Hubbard Street...

If you find yourself able to see them work, do.  Their performance was a highlight of the tour so far.

Then back to Sue and Tom's home to share a meal, finish some laundry, replenish a few grocery bags, and finally return to The Double Tree in Oak Brook.

We head out tomorrow for Appleton, Wisconsin...,+Wisconsin&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=38.908133,-87.033691&sspn=10.288203,20.324707&ie=UTF8&ll=40.128491,-87.033691&spn=10.109952,20.324707&z=6

Sleep well, All...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful place... Chicago!
    And about your hair... very nice!
